the elements

Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth

These five elements are the building blocks of life from with everything in nature is constructed.


We are innately connected to nature and the intelligence of these five universal elements.

In order to grasp the unique essence and language of Ayurveda, we must first understand each element and their respective forces in both the external world, and within in our body. When the elements interact with one another, they make up the energetic forces that govern all of our biological processes.

We use the language of the elements and their qualities as our guide when restoring ourselves back to balance and master the art of achieving a harmonious state of health.

  • Ether is home for all in the universe.

    It’s a home to the expression of our consciousness. Ether is the most abundant, yet subtle of all the elements. It maintains a universal vibration of energy, and makes space for expansion. Space offers no resistance - it is the pure essence of love.

  • Air is the element of movement.

    Anytime there is motion, air is present. This includes the pulsing of the heart and the expansion of the lungs. Movement is required anytime we are responding to stimuli, meaning that the nervous system and our thoughts are also governed by the element of air.

  • Like the energy of the sun, fire has the power to transform.

    It burns, destroys, warms, and breaks down. Fire is the energy of the digestive system and the metabolism. Fire manifests itself as intelligence and is the energy that can transform our thoughts into action.

  • Water nourishes and lubricates.

    It is a vital component for the health and function of all the systems in our body. Water is responsible for secretions and digestive juices. It is cohesive and binds things together. Water is the ultimate protector and preserve and without it, life would not be possible.

  • Earth provides stability and permanence.

    It represents the most solid state of matter. We see earth manifested in our body tissues, bones, teeth, and nails. Earth provides the structure for all living and non-living substances to exist.


These five basic elements interact with one another to make up the three energetic forces that govern all of our biological processes, known as the Doshas.


The Doshas each have a place within the body and help us to map out the root of our imbalances.